The Difference A Smile Makes

After a day of running errands I stopped at a local restaurant for lunch. As I pulled into a parking space, a car with two elderly women pulled into the parking space next to me. Since our spaces were so close I waited patiently for them to leave their vehicle. As I waited I noticed that neither of them were smiling. They both had very stoic looks on their faces. I immediately said privately to myself, I hope I don’t like that when I am their age.  Then I wondered if I ever look like that when I am driving possibly after a long day at work or after a stressful situation.

As I exited my vehicle I  walked past them to hold the door open and I smiled. They both smiled back and graciously said  thank you. I am not sure if they realized how they looked when they arrived but I noticed they continued to smile while they were eating and when they were leaving. Their looks could have been one of hunger pains or maybe something else but I will never know. What I do know is that I smiled , they smiled back and all was good with the world at least for those moments.

Have you done a mirror check lately? What do other drivers see when they pull up to you at the stop light? Are you frowning or are you smiling? If you catch someone looking down just give them a quick smile because a smile can make all the difference in the world.


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